Christelle, Certified Canine Instructor

Profil 1+ dog trainer
DIC-certified dog trainer
Understanding your dog to live in harmony.
At everyone's pace
Christelle, toiletteuse et educatrice canine professionelle

Bon Chien, Bon Dog Owner!Dog training: workshops

Individually or in a group, depending on the needs and requirements of both owner and dog.
Education Canine
Chien cours d'éducation
  • Good Dog, Good Brush
  • Good Dog, Good Family
  • Bon Chien, Bonne Balade
  • Good Puppy, Good Gender

« My dog won’t let me brush him », « I think I’m hurting him with my brush », « He won’t let me touch his paws », …

Not all dogs have the same types of hair. The right brush for your dog’s coat is essential to avoid hurting him, and to make brushing a pleasant experience.

A course to help you get to grips with this essential moment for your well-being: defining the right brush and learning the right brushing direction are the main points covered in this workshop. The whole family can take part.

A one-to-one course to get everyone back on track. Where to place your basket, where to put your food, what are your limits (physical, time, place, family members and their roles, …)? Walks, walking on foot in town, free-roaming in the fields with a good return, crossing paths with friends… all this home/outdoor balance needs to be worked on in good spirits, so that your companion adapts as well as possible to his new family.

« My dog is very reactive to other dogs, » « My little dog is afraid of big dogs, » « My dog doesn’t play with others, but I’d like not to walk alone. »

On walks, some dogs can become overly reactive in the presence of other dogs. This reactivity can manifest itself in various forms, such as barking, growling, excessive pulling on the leash, or even aggressive behavior. This reaction may be due to fear, excitement, lack of socialization, or other behavioral problems. Well-targeted exercises will enable you to go for a walk more calmly, and provide a moment of relaxation for all concerned.

« I welcome a new puppy/dog into my home, I’m lost », « My dog pulls when I go for a walk », « My dog eats my broom when I sweep », … or any other question that’s troubling you. Do you recognize yourself in these comments, or would you like to share others?

Socialization classes: As a Club La Riviera instructor, I strongly advise you to take part in our Saturday morning « Puppy » classes as soon as your puppy arrives home. You’ll be able to share your puppy with other owners, take a class with a qualified instructor and start training/socializing your puppy.

Your concerns

You're never alone in a situation with your partner, so share your experience and find the workshop that's right for you.


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